A Lyft driver was attacked and badly beaten by passengers in South Los Angeles last week.
Robert, 57, remembers dropping off the passengers in South Los Angeles at 2 a.m. Upon arriving at the destination, a man in the front seat reached over, punched him in the face and took his keys. The other three men jumped out of the backseat and beat him.
The four attackers, all men in their early 20s, took the man’s wallet, $700 worth of property in cash and his car.
Los Angeles Police Department labeled the incident a carjacking. The suspects crashed and totaled the car.
Three of the men were arrested and a fourth one, hospitalized.
Robert was left stranded by his robbers, and now he fears his ride share will leave him stranded as well.
His attorney, Raffi Naljian, said the total of the medical bills sum up $20.000 and Lyft doesn’t want to cover it.
“Lyft needs to say, you know what, he’s our driver,” Naljian said, “he was working for us, we have to pay for him.”
Robert is worried that he won’t be able to provide for his family.
“I don’t have a job, I don’t have a car, I’m married, I have a family,” he said, “I really need the time to fix myself.